Stress, anxiety and depression often result in staff burnout

Repeatedly listening to people's problems can cause vicarious trauma and a feeling of helplessness


'15 Minute Counselling Course'



This interactive training video teaches the reflective listening skills that telephone crisis-line operators learn - before they can start listening to people's problems


Ideal for staff orientation, this training reduces burnout and absenteeism and the knowledge gained increases workplace morale and productivity


It also increases staff resilience and their ability to deal with difficult situations

Using these skills protects from anxiety and depression caused by vicarious trauma and the need to 'fix things'

Last year, our 25 year old son met up with an old friend from High School who said to him "Your Parents Saved My Life". It took us a while to recollect the incident, but finally we remembered that she had been extremely distressed. We met with her, listened to some of her issues and connected her with a school psychologist (from a different school).


Because such a small thing for us to do was so life-changing for her, this year we decided to produce 'Learn To Listen Like A Therapist' to teach the community reflective listening skills, in the hope that others may also have the satisfaction of hearing "You Saved My Life". - Trev & Annie Boulton


Workshop Facilitators Wanted

Book a One-On-One 'TRAIN THE TRAINER' Session


Learn to deliver the insights and knowledge we are presenting to nurses, teachers, childcare workers, hair dressers and telephone crisis line counsellors


Meet virtually or in person with the founders of The Brain Heath Education Institute


The one on one 'Train The Trainer' session focusses on your sector and includes the certificate in 'Mental Health Self Care'


Our facilitators receive full access to all of their sector versions, blank attendance certificates and unlimited copies of the ‘How To Stay Sane In A Crazy World” eBook


We also provide our ongoing support in helping you develop your own workplace training business


We know that this training is ideal for staff orientation, reduces burnout and absenteeism. The knowledge gained increases workplace morale, productivity, staff resilience and their ability to deal with difficult situations


The costs involved in stress leave, staff replacement and workplace disruption are enormous and rising daily. Our training sessions have proven to greatly reduce these costs



SMS To Request A Call-Back

(+61)  0417 90 6000

Annie & Trevor Boulton

(Founders of The Brain Health Education Institute)


For 20 years, Annie owned and operated hair salons in city, suburban and regional areas, so is able to appreciate the value that salon staff (and other frontline workers, e.g. educators, hospitality staff, Uber drivers etc.) provide to their communities and the personal costs involved


Trevor and Annie both had lived experiences which led them to developing and producing many world acclaimed, practical, no-jargon resources for the health, education and training sectors


The Brain Health Education Institute

397 The Esplanade

Hervey Bay, Queensland, 4655


0417 90 6000